Rainbow Energy Healing is a healing technique that has been taught to me by three Archangels; Archangel Michael, Archangel Raziel, and Archangel Metatron. Rainbow Energy Healing is based on the unique energy of Rainbow Children. Rainbow Energy Healing uses a combination of colour, light, and archangel guidance to help heal the energy systems of the human body, resulting in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. Rainbow Energy Healing works with 12 major chakras in the human energy field, including the traditional 7 major chakras, and 5 other higher vibrational chakras including the ear chakras, life purpose chakra, soul purpose chakra, soul connection chakra, and rainbow bridge chakra.
Rainbow Energy Healing reveals important guidance and removes significant blocks relating to the clients’ life purpose, your ability to hear and receive Divine guidance, your connection and functioning in harmony with others, soul groups, and how to express your unique Divine purpose. Rainbow Energy Healing helps to activate and empower your highest aspirations and life purpose functions.
Rainbow Energy Healing is administered by a practitioner for a client. The client relaxes on a healing table and the practitioner follows a specific protocol that activates the Rainbow Energy Healing process. During the process, the archangels are present and active, helping to release any blocks to the healing process. The practitioner will move their hands in and around the energy systems and aura of the client during the session. Occasionally, the practitioner uses hands-on healing at the physical body level. There is minimal hands-on contact however, as most of the activity occurs in the subtle energy bodies and auric shell surrounding the client (approximately 1 metre radial bubble surrounding the client).
The Benefits of Rainbow Energy Healing
A variety of healing experiences occur during and after a Rainbow Energy Healing Session. They have included the following:
- enhanced awareness of your body’s own energy systems and chakras
- clearing, expanding, and balancing of the chakras
- increased intuition and psychic communication abilities, including clairvoyant visions of angels and other light beings during the session
- awareness of dense, heavy, or prickly energy blockages being extracted from the body
- warm, tingly, or even hot sensations in the chakras, or in physical areas of the body
- increased energy in the hours and days after the session
- deepened understanding of your life purpose, your reason for being here now, and the next steps in your purpose
- significant expanded awareness of your subtle energy bodies and your aura
What Exactly Happens In A Rainbow Energy Healing Session?
A Rainbow Energy Healing Session is similar to receiving other forms of energy healing such as Reiki. As a client, you lay back and relax on a healing table for the duration of the session. As the practitioner, I may speak frequently or seldom, as I am guided, letting You know what is occurring during the session. You may feel talkative, and ask questions, or you may feel comfortable resting in silence. You may leave your eyes open for the entire session, or you may close them and experience a deep meditative state. You are free to choose how you wish to experience the session. As the practitioner, I may be guided to convey to you what I experience while administering Rainbow Energy Healing. I may share the observations, or even convey angelic guidance to you about the session and what exactly is being healed or released. I may be guided to ask you questions, or help you to release any blocks that will aid the healing process. A Rainbow Energy Healing Session lasts approximately 1 hour. Additional time options are available so that You can obtain additional angel guidance.
The Consultation takes place immediately after the Rainbow Energy Healing Session, and may include a combination of the other services I offer in private one-on-one sessions, such as Angel Guidance & Healing, and Spiritual Life Coaching. This gives you an opportunity to integrate and understand the healing experiences of the Rainbow Energy Healing Session and gain additional insights.
Rainbow Energy Healing Sessions can also be conducted remotely.
As the client, You remain at home, laying on a bed during the 1 hour of time that the session is scheduled for. As the practitioner, I conduct the healing session exactly as I would as if you were present on the healing table. The benefits listed above are equally applicable whether the session is conducted in person or remotely. A combination Rainbow Energy Healing Session of 60 minutes and an additional 30 minute Consultation is recommended for first-time appointments and/or remote sessions.
Purchase a Rainbow Energy Healing Session with Chris Cuciurean.
The fee is $199 plus HST for 1 hour, $277 plus HST for 90 minutes, or $355 plus HST for 2 hours in duration, and must be paid in advance. For telephone readings, You are responsible for any telephone long distance charges.
To purchase right away using PayPal or with your credit card, choose your time option above and click on the Add To Cart button to make your payment. You will be contacted to schedule your session at the earliest, mutually convenient time and date. If You wish, please Contact Chris Cuciurean to arrange for your Rainbow Energy Healing Session.
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