Mediumship Night in Woodbridge


Thursday June 5th, 2025
Time: 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
At BlissOm Wellness & Yoga, Vaughan, ON
$77 + HST ($87.01)


Class Level:  Open to Everyone

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday June 5th, 2025
Thursday December 11th, 2025
Time: 7:00 p.m. Doors Open – Readings begin at 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
At BlissOm Wellness & Yoga, 51 Jevlan Drive, Unit 2, Vaughan, ON
Hosted by Lora Lisi of BlissOm
Featuring Mediumship Readings from Chris Cuciurean

Receive profound messages of love from deceased loved ones in an intimate evening of angelic connection and divine love!

This Mediumship Circle provides participants an opportunity to receive a message or messages from deceased loved ones.  Chris will facilitate the creation of a Sacred Circle with an opening, guided Rainbow Energy Healing meditation for everyone involved to ensure divinely guided blessings for everyone. Through Rainbow Energy Healing, all of the archangels and guardian angels will escort the deceased loved ones in to the Sacred Circle.  There, Chris will discern and deliver messages of love and healing to various participants as guided.  Every effort will be made to provide as many readings as possible, but we cannot guarantee that each and every participant will receive a reading.

The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a warm, hospitable holiday welcome from host BlissOm.  Enjoy and celebrate sacred, holiday warmth with a Christmas marketplace, aura readings, and more. At 7:30 p.m., Chris will then facilitate the delivery of mediumship messages from departed loved ones for participants.

From the very beginning of the opening meditation and throughout the evening, the archangels, ascended masters, and guardian angels will be called upon to oversee and conduct the engagement of deceased loved ones to ensure that the mediumship messages are delivered in accordance with the divine will of highest blessings for all.

Mediumship is profoundly healing when experienced within the enveloping and nurturing warmth of Rainbow Energy Healing (REH).  Inherently grounding, protective, cleansing, and healing, REH activates and empowers all angels to assist in the connection between the deceased loved ones from Spirit and the living participants of the Sacred Circle.  This allows for the full blessings of mediumship to unfold divinely, miraculously, and purely.  Mediumship allows for an opportunity to say goodbye to departed loved ones, to know that they are safe and well, to heal and feel redemption, and to simply hear heart-felt, loving messages from our loved ones once again.

This event is open to anyone who feels guided to attend.  Participants always have the right to choose whether to receive a message or not.

This event features a maximum participant count of 25, so that as many participants as possible receive a reading, as time allows.

Fee:  $77 + HST ($87.01).
Registration in advance is required.
Payment is due upon registration.  No refunds or cancellations.  All payments are final.

For more information, contact Chris Cuciurean at (905) 582-6235 or to register now, please contact Bliss Om at (905) 893-1088 or visit

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