The 12 Chakra System of Rainbow Energy Healing (REH). In REH, there are 4 major energy centers above the crown that play a significant role in your Divine Life Purpose. In addition, the ear chakras, and traditional seven major chakras play a significant role in an REH session. Each chakra is summarized below:
Rainbow Bridge (rainbow)
A portal to your own highest self, the archangels, guardian angels, ascended masters, Christ / Buddha consciousness, and higher chakras.
Soul Purpose Chakra (deep purple)
Deep cosmic purple sphere. An energetic portal to the eternal You. Access to past and future lives. Inspires an answer to the question “What is your soul seeking?”
Ear Chakras (maroon)
Clear and open hearing to Divine words of guidance, support, and love.
Third-Eye Chakra (indigo)
Connection to the field of truth as enlightened consciousness. Enhanced spiritual sight. Holds highest vision of self-realization.
Heart Chakra (green/pink)
Giving, receiving, and full experiencing of innocence, redemption, and love. All-encompassing love of Creation.
Sacral Chakra (orange)
Purifies and strengthens inner child security. Connects to soul’s desires and passion to create through the body on Earth.

Soul Connection Chakra (silver)
Upper meeting point of meridian lines of your own energy field. Connects You, Earth, cosmos, and others in alignment with your own Divine life purpose.
Life Purpose Chakra (chartreuse)
An energetic record of major experiences, creations, lessons, achievements, and purpose in the life lived in your current body. Your soul and sacred contracts for this life.
Crown Chakra (violet)
An opening to Divine Truth, as knowledge. Willingness to experience higher consciousness. Divinely inspired thought.
Throat Chakra (blue)
Creative expression. Truth speaking, to one’s self, and to others. Ability to express the inner experience.
Solar Plexus Chakra (citrine)
Security of self-knowledge and understanding Who You Are. Understanding personal power, purpose, and manifestation.
Root Chakra (red)
Physical security. Needs met. Personal well-being and health. Safely grounded.
During a Rainbow Energy Healing session, Rainbow Energy flows dynamically into and out of the major chakras depicted in the diagram. A Practitioner of REH facilitates the session with a simple, intuitive protocol. The Practitioner witnesses (through the major intuitive senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance) clearing of any unserving energies lodged in the aura and/or chakras. Rainbow Energy balances the relative size of chakras, clears lower energy, and provides grounding and protection.
A significant part of an REH session is the strengthening and increased awareness that the client feels in the awareness of the Divine Life Purpose. This may be highly conscious, or may actually be experienced unconsciously as choices evolve in alignment with their Divine Life Purpose in the weeks and months following awakening to Rainbow Energy.
Continue learning about REH…
The Connection Between REH and New Earth Children