REH Session
A variety of healing experiences occur during and after a Rainbow Energy Healing Session.
They include the following:
- enhanced awareness of your body’s own energy systems and chakras
- clearing, expanding, and balancing of the chakras
- increased intuition and psychic communication abilities, including clairvoyant visions of angels and other light beings during the session
- awareness of dense, heavy, or prickly energy blockages being extracted from the body, sometimes in areas of the physical body where pain, tension, or disease is perceived
- warm, tingly, or even hot sensations in the chakras, or in physical areas of the body, sometimes corresponding to the location of physical ailments
- increased energy in the hours and days after the session
- deepened understanding of your life purpose, your reason for being here now, and the next steps in your purpose
- significant expanded awareness of your subtle energy bodies and your aura
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